4 teas you didn t know had such amazing body benefits


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Teas that taste amazing – and have major body benefits? Yes please! Stock up on these four and boost your health, no meds required.

4 teas you didn   t know had such amazing body benefits

1. Buchu tea: The natural detoxer

The “science” behind it: Buchu is a natural diuretic, helping the body to flush out harmful toxins, bringing relief from poor digestion, constipation and bloating. It’s also a proven anti-inflammatory, rich in a host of antioxidants and bioflavonoids.

Other health benefits: It’s loaded with polyphenols, which help to reduce the risk of developing cancer. It also relieves insomnia (it’s caffeine-free!), and reduces stomach spasms and even colic in infants.

Steeping time: Five to seven minutes.

2. Peppermint tea: The stress reducer

The “science” behind it: Fending off a stress can be as simple as a hot cup of something. Research by Dr Bryan Raudenbush at the Wheeling Jesuit University in the US found that both peppermint and cinnamon could decrease drivers’ frustration levels and help them feel more alert. Results of the study also found that peppermint was associated with less fatigue and anxiety while driving.

Other health benefits: It can help with stomach and digestive relief, helps freshen breath and may ease menstrual cramps and headaches.

Steeping time: Five to seven minutes.

3. Ginger tea: The nausea fighter

The “science” behind it: The morning after, when you realise that last glass of wine was a bad idea, you may just need to pour yourself a cuppa to ease the queasiness. A study found that ginger can reduce the often debilitating nausea side effects of chemotherapy in cancer patients.

Other health benefits: It’s an effective way to treat morning sickness, it may help ease muscle pain, aid digestion, improve circulation and relieve cold symptoms and menstrual pain.

Steeping time: Five to seven minutes.

4. Chamomile tea: The cramp killer

The “science” behind it: Chuck the chocolates and go for a soothing cup of chamomile tea to prevent PMS – your figure will thank you and so will your friends. A study found that drinking five cups of chamomile tea a day for five weeks raised urinary levels of glycine. Glycine relieves muscle spasms, which may explain why it is used to treat menstrual cramps and as a mild sedative.

Other health benefits: It may help relieve symptoms of mild-to-moderate generalised anxiety disorder, reduce brain inflammation, prevent diabetic complications and ease colds.

Steeping time: Five to seven minutes.

Fuente: www.health24.com
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