A mom wrote a heartwarming letter to Hillary Clinton about her dreams for her daughter s future

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Dear Mrs. Clinton,

A mom wrote a heartwarming letter to Hillary Clinton about her dreams for her daughter   s future

My daughter, Alexis, is 8 years old. She was born in 2008 to a white mother and African American father, the same year we elected a strong president who looks like her.

n this election, Alexis is looking forward to another strong president that also looks like her. Alexis is a BIG Hillary Clinton supporter. Although she does not understand all that is at stake during this election, she knows what so many women know: You will be an AMAZING president.

When my husband was growing up, his dream was to be the first black president. Although his aspirations went a different direction, I saw the pride in him when this became a reality for President Obama. He accomplished the hopes and dreams of MILLIONS of Americans.

You have this same opportunity. My hope is that my daughter will not have to dream of being the first anything, because that road will have already been paved by strong women like you. You take with you the hopes and dreams of MILLIONS of American women and girls.

Good luck, and keep up the fight for us all!!!

—Heather Henderson


Fuente: www.hillaryclinton.com
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