It is not a secret how harmful coke intake can be, even more so if it is excessive, by different studies published in this regard. But that does not erase the fact that we love to drink at least one glass full of ice almost overflowing coke either to deal with the heat or in a meeting with family and friends, you have to admit. Beyond how much we like and the amount of warnings that exist about its consumption, were you aware of how it acts in our body in the time of 1 hour?
This is what happens in 1 hour from drinking a can of coke
10 mins:
The sugar hits your system, 10 teaspoons of it, which equates to 100% of your recommended daily intake. Normally you would vomit from the sweetness but the phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing the body to keep it down.
20 mins:
Your liver gets an onslaught of sugar and it does its job by turning any sugar into fat. You also get an insulin burst as your blood sugar spikes.
40 mins:
All the caffeine absorption is complete, and your blood pressure rises, as a result, the liver dumps more sugar into your system. Your pupils dilate and the adenosine receptors in your brain are blocked which prevents drowsiness.
45 mins:
Dopamine levels are increased in the body the same way as heroin works.
60 mins:
The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium, and zinc in your lower intestine giving a further boost in your metabolism. The caffeine comes into play now and being a diuretic makes you want to pee. The body then wants to rid itself of the water that was in the Coke but it robs the essential nutrients that the body needs for hydration.
So now you know, maybe a bottle of water would be a better option.