They say that a person is born to live the moment of being a father or mother, because children are the most wonderful thing in the world once you look for the first time in one's eyes. It is a feeling that takes over you and the rest of your life, a time for which you should be prepared even if nobody really is, but at least, you understand the responsibility that entails. Unfortunately, this is not the common denominator and was demonstrated with a case in Mexico.
A 17-year-old teenager was arrested in Mexico City by elements of the Ministry of Public Security after murdering her 3-year-old son after arguing with her partner.
According to the testimony of employees of a hospital in the Iztapalapa delegation, the teenager arrived, repentant, at the hospital with her son in her arms; unfortunately, the doctors could not do anything to save the child's life.
Subsequently, the authorities were notified to start the investigations.
The person responsible for this horrendous crime was transferred to the 57 Agency of the Central Prosecutor's Office for the Attention of Children and Adolescents, where a process against them has already begun.