How to get rid of ants immediately: Experts reveal 3 cheap and easy tricks


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Soon spring will be over and the hot months of summer will arrive. Great, right?

How to get rid of ants immediately: Experts reveal 3 cheap and easy tricks

Well, if you dislike ants then it can be a troubling time – especially when they invade your home.

Sure, you can use regular pesticides and powder that kills them in their droves, but that can be an expensive and time consuming route.

Fortunately, there are many natural, effective and cheap ways to get rid of ants yourself…

How to prevent them from entering your house
The first step in dealing with ants is to prevent them coming into your home.

Ants have a very strong sense of smell and are naturally attracted to sweet things, so don’t leave uncovered food out on the table or cabinets. Ants will pick up on goodies with consummate ease.

Even an empty, open soda bottle can attract them, because of sugary residue. Rinse all bottles, packages and cans before placing them in the trash.

How to get rid of ants
1. Cinnamon
Ants usually avoid areas that smell of cinnamon, so try the following:

Cinnamon, cinnamon sticks
Flickr / TheoCrazzalaro
What you need:

½ teaspoon of cinnamon oil or cinnamon powder
1 cup of water
Cotton ball or wad
Cinnamon sticks
What to do:

Mix the cinnamon oil/powder with water
Soak a cotton ball in the mixture
Wipe areas where you have seen ants
Repeat once a day until you see no more ants
Leave cinnamon bars near doors and windows as a repellant for further invasions

2. Vinegar
Vinegar is another natural ingredient that carries a pungent smell ants don’t like.

Ättika, vinäger
What you need:

Distilled vinegar/ vinegar
Lemon oil
Spray bottle
What to do:

Mix equal parts vinegar and water in the spray bottle
Add a few drops of lemon oil
Shake properly before each use
Spray around places where you’ve seen ants
Repeat daily until ants are gone
3. Cayenne Pepper
A large dose of cayenne pepper is an old tip that’s long been used to get rid of ants.

What you need:

A pot
Cayenne pepper

What to do:

Boil a large pot of water. Pour in cayenne pepper
Go outside and pour the mixture wherever you see holes, cracks or living ants
Watch the video below for information and tips on how to get rid of ants inside and outside your home:

We all know someone who’s going to have to deal with ants trying to invade their home this summer, right?

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