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A woman spent more than 15 years trying to find her real mother only to discover that she’d been working with her for two years.

Jenny Thomas, 40, from Rochester, New York, started searching for her birth mother in her twenties but never had any leads.

It was only after going on a new TLC show, Long Lost Family, which helps reunite people with their biological relatives, that she identified her former co-worker Nita Valdez as her mother.

Speaking to the New York Post, Jenny said: ‘I was just in shock. I had looked in so many faces for so many years, [thinking] “Could that be her? Is she looking at me because she knows me?”

‘All the while I had looked at the woman who once knew me as her daughter.’

Nita, the daughter of a minister, had given up her daughter to social services because she was too ashamed of having her out of wedlock.

It was only after years of searching for her that Jenny found out that she had not only met her mother 10 years ago at a hospital in New York, she’d worked with her closely for two years.

Jenny worked as a part-time patient care technician while Nita was a patient transporter at the hospital.

They interacted daily and had a friendly ‘working-professional relationship.’

Jenny’s story will feature on an upcoming episode of the new series, which starts on Sunday.

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Fuente: metro.co.uk
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