WARNING: Virginia Gil made this note and was not rated by users as credible.

Catalina Artusi, Diwan's new girlfriend: "We met on January and we started to date on March"


Catalina Artusi, la nueva novia de Diwan: "Nos conocimos en enero, empezamos a salir en marzo, tuvim

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Ariel Diwan, who is in the middle of a conflict with his ex wife Gisela Bernal after he found out that her son wasn't his, he is starting a new relationship.
he girl that we are talking about is Catalina Artusi. She is an actress and she became very famous after her participation in a soap opera named Chiquititas.
"We met on January 30th and we've been in touch since then. We came back to Buenos Aires in march and we started dating.We had a fight before his journey to Corrientes and we didn't speak to each other until the DNA results were ready. I was aware of that issue so we started to talk again and seeing. I know that is a delicate thing so i've decided to stay by his side in this difficult moment", Artusi said.
Catalina added "I've never met Gisela's Bernal son because she didn't allowed Ariel to take him out of his house, but I know Dai and Luchi, Diwan's daughter and son and i love them".
On the other hand, Ariel confirmed that Artusi was his girlfriend and that they've been in touch for four months.
WARNING: Virginia Gil made this note and was not rated by users as credible.
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