
Most recent


Octavio Cruz Gonzalez
10 points

Informe Sophos 'Pacific Rim': ciberataques masivos desde China ponen en jaque la seguridad global

14 points

Pure Storage anunció mejoras significativas de su plataforma Portworx

Patricia Amaya Comunicaciones
18 points

Banco de Alimentos Fuente de Vida

Carlos Eduardo Lagos Campos
10 points

Concejales de Estómago vs. Concejales del Pueblo

Luis Horgelys Brito Ariza
56 points

¿Cómo hacer las cerraduras de tu furgoneta aún más seguras?

22 points

Bansat conecta a Colombia con soluciones integrales de telecomunicaciones

18 points

La gestión de riesgos obstaculiza la innovación

Patricia Amaya Comunicaciones
10 points

¿Es Cyber Monday buen momento para comprar tecnología?

12 points

La Importancia de las Veedurías Ciudadanas en la Defensa del Erario Público

Luis Horgelys Brito Ariza
18 points

With all the "social" and technological advances that are known, it is thought that taboos of other times are no longer considered in such a way, as for example, homosexuality, thanks to the new laws and rights that have been granted to these people in different parts of the world, being...


According to the newspaper La Vanguardia de España, it was the grunt of her dog that allowed the Civil Guard to find the two-year-old girl who was asleep and cuddled by her pet. Last Monday, about 7:20 p.m. the emergency service of Castilla y León received an emergency call that...


People are confused about fats, and it’s pretty understandable on some level. After all, a few years ago, they were seen as the worst thing ever, and now we’re told that fats are an important part of a healthy diet. At some point, you’ve probably heard some myths and...


A new type of ransomware called DoubleLocker affects Android operating systems in which a fake update of the Adobe Flash Player has been downloaded and it produces a file encryption and the change of the passwords to later ask for a monetary rescue to their owners. HACKER Ransomware (ransom)...


Many people think that being a mother is simply a "life cycle" process, a circumstance by which we must simply go through the survival instinct ... but it is not, it goes much more than that. And yes, not everything is cute like they do on TV when they interview a model mom, they are not...


Everyone at some point in our life (or in more than one moment) we had a haircut with which we think: "What happened to the hairdresser?" Or "Noooooo! What happened to my hair!" Things like that ... if we have a lot of power or if it's really something exaggerated, we even...


Even if we don’t like to admit it we all have our little guilty pleasures. Those films or TV shows that we know we shouldn’t like and don’t admit to liking but secretly have an undying passion for and have to watch anytime they are on. 1. The Rock The Rock is a 1996 action...


If you’re finding it tough to get back into your gym routine – don’t! Our easy-to-follow walking programme will get you slim outside. Top tips Exercise physiologist, Michael Brazeal, gives us some tips on how to get the most out of your walk: Look straight ahead; your...


The Internet has its downsides, sure, but it also comes in handy when you need some quick answers. Recently, Google revealed its most commonly searched sex-related question: “Where is the G-spot?” You want to make sure you’re doing things right without actually letting on...


No one can dodge receiving and bad news from time to time. They are part of life. Something that many times we do not know how to face. For those moments, science has an answer: according to a study, the "ideal" way is to say it directly, but with warning. This is the famous "we...


In the world, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 300 million people suffer from depression. So here you will know 5 essential tips to keep mental health in balance. Keep a balanced diet Our cognitive functions, physical performance, physical and mental health, are...


The Trump administration said Thursday that it would end the Affordable Care Act's cost-sharing reduction payments designed to help low-income Americans get health care. Not paying the subsidies, health care experts have warned, could send the health insurance exchanges into turmoil. The...


A high-calorie food may be key for keeping weight gain in check: People who eat more nuts are less likely to become overweight or obese, a new study in the European Journal of Nutrition finds. In the study, researchers evaluated the diets of more than 373 000 adults from 10 European countries,...


Have you ever been so hungry you felt you could “literally eat anything right now?!” For the Fore tribe in Papua new Guinea, though, flesh-eating is a longstanding tradition, called “mortuary feasts”. This involves eating the dead from their community at funerals as a...


This Monday October 9, 2017 the United Nations has withdrawn its personnel from two districts in southern Malawi. The reason for this decision is due to the "hunting of vampires" that have been undertaken by various settlers in the areas of Phalombe and Mulanje , and that at the moment...

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